
Packaging Refresh for Consumer Technology Brand

Brand Force
Year 2016
Role Packaging Designer


I led the packaging refresh for a prominent consumer technology brand, focusing on modernizing the design to better align with the brand's evolving identity and market position.

Design & Development

In this project, I created the form factor of the graphic design elements, dielines, and production artwork. My goal was to ensure that the refreshed packaging protected the product effectively and provided an engaging and cohesive brand experience for the customer.

Focus on Aesthetics & Brand Identity

The refreshed design emphasized clean lines, bold graphics, and a cohesive color palette, reflecting the brand’s commitment to innovation and quality. I carefully crafted the dielines to maximize visual impact while maintaining functionality, ensuring that the packaging was both visually striking and practical for production.

Sustainability & Efficiency

While aesthetics were a priority, I also considered sustainability by selecting materials that minimized environmental impact. The design was optimized for efficient production and assembly, contributing to a more eco-friendly and cost-effective packaging solution.


The refreshed packaging successfully revitalized the brand’s presence on the shelf, making a strong visual statement that resonated with consumers. The combination of modern design elements and practical functionality helped to enhance the overall customer experience, reinforcing the brand's reputation for cutting-edge technology.